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Own Your Voice Now

Own Your Voice Now

As creatives and creators (writers, content creators, artists, musicians, designers), sometimes we get stuck in a rut of waiting for the “right” opportunities to share our work; we dream of the day that we will be “discovered.”

We dream of the day that someone who matters is so blown away by our talent that they offer us the gig of a lifetime, much the same way that aspiring but struggling starlets back in the day used to long to be discovered by the right modeling agency or Hollywood producer and be offered the contract or role of a lifetime.

But when that doesn’t happen, we get discouraged. We may even stop creating because, well… no one knows who we are, no one cares, no one likes us, so why bother. If something meaningful was meant to happen it would have happened by now, right? Heaven knows we’ve put in the work.

While having our work recognized in a big way is in fact a worthy dream, we are not doomed to passively waiting for anything happen in order to build a meaningful brand and serve the world with our gifts and passions here and now. Nor should we wait passively.

Take ownership of your voice now.

Unlike the aspiring starlets of the 80s and 90s, we have an abundance of means and resources to share our gifts with the world now. Social media. Tons of free blogging platforms. Don’t wait for someone else to give you a place from which to share your work. Create your own.

In 2023 there is no reason not to and no short supply of ways and resources to be your own outlet and your own publicist. YouTube, both for creating and as a resource. But most important, owning your own domain and website, and building an email list. Yes, it takes time to build an audience but it doesn’t mean it won’t come nor does it mean you don’t have awesome content worth creating and sharing right now.

And I challenge that in 2023 it’s important more than ever. I was saying this in 2016 when I first shared this post on my old blog, and it’s even more true now. The world needs quality content. Beautiful music. Inspiring art. Thoughtful and impactful writing.

Some of the content creators I follow (referred to simply as bloggers when I first wrote this in 2016) have very small audiences but their content rocks, and is worthy of a huge audience and a big paycheck, which unfortunately cannot be said about the massive swaths of dismally inferior content that does unfortunately generate a lot of money. They simply create and share their work. Quality content by real people.

God given talent and worthwhile content (art, music, design, etc.) don’t require outside validation or “permission” to be created and shared. They are meant to be so now, simply on their own merit and value they add towards the greater good. There’s no better way to own your own voice than to do so on your own terms and your own platform, not because someone else gave you permission or a place to do it.


Stop comparing yourself — It’s ok to be inspired by others’ work but don’t let it rob you of your own creativity and message. Everyone else is everyone else. Your audience is waiting to hear from YOU, even though they don’t know it yet.

Understand that everyone struggles — Most great writers/creatives/creators struggle. That’s a fact. But they create and share in spite of their fears, or other issues, not because they don’t have them. The people who create quality content are in fact real people who have their personal and creative struggles and insecurities but they choose to work past them. So it’s ok to feel freaked out about creating your own platform and sharing your work. Do it anyway.

Know that it takes time — Be patient with yourself and with the process but don’t ever stop writing or moving in the right direction. I wish I would have taken this advice back when I first started blogging. Way, way too often I allowed my emotions, fears and personal issues make important decisions for me rather than recognizing them for what they were and plowing past them. I’d have a whole lot more published content now had I done that.

But the most important piece of my own advice I am taking is this:

Own your voice now

As I make the decision to step away from professional writing after nearly 20 years, having this platform has become even more necessary and meaningful than ever before. As great as the free platforms are, it’s kind of like building a house on rented land. You don’t own it. You have no say in what the platform does. No matter well someone does on TikTok or Instagram, what happens if those platforms cease to exist tomorrow? Invest in your own website. Create your own opportunities. Say what you have to say.

If down the line we are still feeling left out in the proverbial cold while “everyone else” is creating, building, and becoming, it’s because we chose to, not for lack of means. Don’t wait for anyone to hand you something.

By owning your voice here and now, and creating and sharing on your own terms and your own platform, other opportunities will come your way. And perhaps sharing it on your own platform on your own terms is the best opportunity of all.

Becoming: It's ok to change

Becoming: It's ok to change

