I let go.
I let go of cherished hopes
I let go of long time dreams
I let go of many "what ifs...."
I let go of assumptions
I let go of expectations
I let go of confirmation biases
I let go of preconceived ideas
I let go of a whole mess of other things I can't identify because it's still fresh but I intuitively know they're there and that I did.
It all had to go in order to find a shred of sanity, direction, and stability as I navigated a new season of life that had brought with it many unwanted changes and unpleasant new normals.
I unclenched.
Unclenching is scary because clenching is all we know. Clenching is safe. Clenching is familiar. Clenching is identity. Clenching is hope. Clenching is power. Clenching is control. Or rather, the illusion of it.
But one day clenching just isn't sustainable anymore and it hurts and hinders more than it helps.
And here's what happened...
Unclenching opened the door to the light of truth about so many things I'd been wrong about. It allowed clean air to blow away dusty old mindsets that had kept me stuck for so long. It disinfected open wounds on my heart that surely would have caused greater pain and harm down the road. It made me ready to embark on a new journey without old baggage. It paved the way for redirecting all my pain into worthy endeavors instead.
Yes, unclenching is terrifying. But...
Unclenching is necessary. Unclenching makes room for better things. Unclenching is of God.
So let go. Unclench. He’s got you.